Unix time fix Proposition for fixing unix time overflow. copyright 2024, David Polakovic, licensed under GPLv3 ABOUT: Just like in year 1999, the unix time has its limitations. This time, with 64-bit signed integer it is in year 292 billion. This, however, is no excuse to not fix it. In this snippet I propose algorythmic solution to this problem. For more details check https://dpolakovic.space/blogs/y292b.html HOW TO RUN: compile with gcc or other prefered c compiler run with ./fixed LICENSE: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html see LICENSE.txt CONTACT: email@dpolakovic.space Fetch my GPG here: https://dpolakovic.space/gpg.html RELEASE NOTES: 0.1 - algorythmic solution with simple output